Professional and Research:

R.P. Ambrosi is a consultant, reseacher, and writer.  Currently based in Canada, he was one of the very first Westerners to have completed a PhD in sociology at Peking University, the foremost university in China.

Ambrosi’s PhD, (Peking University) examines the interconnections amongst folk religions, civil society and community development. Fieldwork for the dissertation included living for over two years in villages on the North China Plain. Ambrosi hired, trained an managed a diverse team of field and research assistants throughout this 7 year project.

His PhD work grew from prior Geography Master’s degree work that examined the role of cultural tourism in sustainable rural development and served as a cultural tourism advisor to county governments in north China. Ambrosi’s research  in Japan focused on religious festivals, folk martial arts and their role in community cohesion.

Ambrosi has extensive experience as a researcher on historical, cultural and heritgage projects in the provincial government and in university research institutions in Canada.

Hobbies include, naturally: martial arts including meihuaquan, kendo; photography; videography and film making; yoga and various exercise and bodywork modalities.

Editing, Proofreading, Writing and Educational Consulting:

  • Extensive experience in social science disciplines. BA-Anthropology, BA Human Geography, MA Human Geography, PhD Sociology. R.P. Ambrosi worked for years in Canada doing sociology-related research, writing, editing and proofreading for a university research institution and government department.
  • I gained acceptance into excellent academic programs and have received top scholarships (I was the recipient of the SSHRC Fellowship for PhD students, the most prestigious scholarship in Canada).
  • I have helped students write hundreds university applications and win acceptance to excellent universities all over North America and Europe, such as Harvard University, the University of Chicago, University of California, and the University of Toronto.



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Updated on 2015-01-30T16:37:57-06:00, by Ramb.